Friday, October 15, 2010

A Special Birthday Chapel

     We had a wonderful chapel program this morning. We celebrated Mrs. Heiskell's 92nd birthday. It was full of special messages, music and tears- mostly from me. I realized how fortunate it is for the students and myself to hear how this incredible school began and the rich history that surrounds the Heiskell Family. 
     The most impactful moments occurred when Mrs. Heiskell played some of her favorite hymns as the children sang along. From "Jesus Loves Me" to "He Lives", the journey of her Christian walk was clearly communicated. I certainly pray at the end of our lives, we all would have lived a life so passionately devoted to our risen Savior as Mrs. Heiskell has. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen. What a walking testimony Mrs. Heiskell's life has been. She is a role model for us all! I love how she never misses an opportunity to spread the word of Christ! Happy Birthday Mrs. Heiskell
